Spring Has Begun

Spring is finally here, bringing with it the promise of warmer weather, sunnier days, and a world turning green once again.

One of the best things about spring is the opportunity to spend more time outdoors. Taking walks, planting flowers, and starting a vegetable garden are some of our favorite springtime activities. Plus, the world starts to look a little more beautiful.

For those planning to stay local this spring, we also highly suggest grabbing a coffee or treat from our local favorite, Cattleman's Coffee & Provisions, and visiting the enchanting Fairy Forest is a great way to spend a beautiful spring day.

We are excited to announce that Dr. Melisa will be attending the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry's Annual Session in Toronto. This is an excellent opportunity for her to keep up with the latest and greatest technologies and practices in pediatric dentistry.

We are also excited to announce that we now have more hours available with our hygienist! This is part of our commitment to ensuring that you and your family receive timely and convenient dental care.

For those looking to make some changes with their oral health routine, we suggest indulging in fresh fruits and vegetables, especially now that there are a lot more in season. Not only are they refreshing and healthy, but they also play a crucial role in oral health. Speaking of which, spring cleaning isn't just for your home—it's a great time to refresh your dental health routine as well. A simple yet effective tip? Change your toothbrush every 3 months.

Enjoy the warmer weather, explore the beauty around you, and remember to care for your smile. Happy spring from all of us at the practice!